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Poster for Arrival
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Opens on June 21

Director: Denis Villeneuve Run Time: 116 min. Format: DCP Release Year: 2016

Starring: Amy Adams, Forest Whitaker, Jeremy Renner, Michael Stuhlbarg, Tzi Ma

They come in peace — or do they? When twelve spacecrafts appear above Earth’s surface, it’s up to a linguist enlisted by the US Army to decode their intentions and avert global catastrophe. Atypical of alien invasion sci-fi, ARRIVAL trades ray guns for brains, interstellar escapades for philosophy, and cliched blockbuster antics for humanistic performances. Academy Award® nominee Amy Adams and co-stars Oscar® nominee Jeremy Renner and Academy Award® winner Forest Whitaker star in a sublime meditation on the themes of fate and human cooperation, striking the perfect balance between spectacle and heart.


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